Jacques Le Roux
Jacques Le Roux
Hi Eugen, I answered on dev ML so far and pushed 2 nonfunctional unrelated commits, WIP...
This is now handled at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-12400
Hi, I agree with Michael, but we can do otherwise, reopening
@PierreSmits, The reason I agreed with Michael in substance is because now OFBiz is really mature. So if you change a label id you also change the possible translation people...
This sounds good to me. Should we not deprecate the previous `getPropertyNumber(String resource, String name, double defaultValue)` until `getPropertyAsBigDecimal(String resource, String name, BigDecimal defaultNumber)` ?
Hi @thahn27, I checked the usage in Java and Groovy code of the previous methods I talked about above. Most of them are not used at all OOTB. getPropertyAsBoolean and...
I send an email to dev ML 1 hour ago but it does not appear yet. I wonder why, but let's wait
Hi @PierreSmits , Why removing comments in projectmgr/widget/CommonScreens.xml ?
Pierre about: > in the main-decorator screen in CommonScreens.xml. > The motivations to remove this are: > > 1. it does not serve any purpose. If it were for educational...
We can neglet the CodeQl analysis. It reports 208 "RandomStringUtils.random(SECURE_RANDOM" and it's safe because of SECURE_RANDOM. Sincerely the tool is clumsy. I have also dismissed a lot (300+ ?) in...