Jacques Le Roux
Jacques Le Roux
Hi Pierre, The Sonar Could Code Analysis is no longer available. So I don't know why it reports 3 bugs, even more intriguing w/o any Java files involved. Nevertheless, there...
Hi Pierre, As I said this is not a problem. We can always try locally. ALso we know that we should not use SonarCloud Code Analysis in GH but w/...
Pierre, I can't push this, and I guess others related PRs, when it breaks the navigation. Did you try, before creating the PR(s)? We need to address that 1st. It's...
After few hours trying, won't do
I thought about that yes
Hi @gavinju, did you test it in deep?
Thanks Viswaramamoorthy, was much helpful for me :)
Thanks to Daniel and Gil, you can post your review results at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/Codenarc+integration+review+tracker
Hi Gil, Daniel, Before pushing, would it be possible to have something like https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf?p=ofbiz-tools.git;a=blob_plain;f=wiki-files/OFBizJavaFormatter.xml ? See https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/Coding+Conventions for details