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Improved: BI Component (OFBIZ-11414)
Various improvements to the BI Component to move it from PoC state to a more production ready state.
Following improvements are introduced:
till 2020-03-16
1. (OFBIZ-10944) - Have a Customer Dimension
2. (OFBIZ-10947) - Have DateDimension have a dimensionId that is based on the natural key
3. (OFBIZ-10998) - Have a TimeDimension
4. (OFBIZ-10989) - Have a FacilityDimension
5. (OFBIZ-10990) - Improve the SalesInvoiceItemStarSchema
6. (OFBIZ-10953) - Have CurrencyDimension have a dimensionId that is based on the natural key
7. (OFBIZ-11031) - Improve SalesOrderItemFact table
8. (OFBIZ-11054) - Have an OrganisationDimension
9. (OFBIZ-11065) - Have a service to load records in the FacilityDimension
10. (OFBIZ-11066) - Have a service to load records in the OrganisationDimension
11. (OFBIZ-11072) - Have a service to load records in the CustomerDimension
12. (OFBIZ-11082) - Improve the SalesInvoiceItemFact
13. (OFBIZ-11438) - Improve the InventoryItemStarSchema
14. (OFBIZ-11459) - Improve the InventoryItemFact
15. (OFBIZ-11460) - Make ReportBuilder more dynamic
from 2020-03-16
1. OFBIZ-10996 - Have a SupplierDimension
2. OFBIZ-11081 - Have a service to load records in the SupplierDimension
on 2020-03-17
1. handled merge conflict due to commit 350571deaadef1cecc837ad6688d9cdedd630887
on 2020-03-18
1. OFBIZ-11465: prepareProductDimensionData does not load correct fields in ProductDimension
I have checked with @verma-pawan, and both him and I don't experience that.
Anyway, you could do like I do when I see a change suggested:
- test the PR locally,
- evaluate the change from commit to commit,
- create a test branch from trunk,
- rebase the PR onto the test branch,
- test the test branch.
I thought about that yes
Aspect no 1 should not give any problem.
And then I would do the rest in a somewhat different order:
- create a test branch from trunk,
- rebase the PR onto the test branch,
- test the test branch,
- evaluate the code changes
And then evaluate - if still necessary - the change from commit to commit.
Kudos, SonarCloud Quality Gate passed!
0 Bugs
0 Vulnerabilities (and
0 Security Hotspots to review)
0 Code Smells
No Coverage information
0.0% Duplication
Hi, PierreSmits: I think this pull request is very great! want to consult when the conflict can be resolved and merged into the main branch? thank you.
Hello @PierreSmits I think this pull request is very great! want to consult when the conflict can be resolved and merged into the main branch? thank you.
Hi @gavinju, did you test it in deep?
This should be tested by people who really use the BI component in their projects and who are able to assess that all those changes are useful, complete, do not introduce regressions and that they are documented in a way that users can adopt them.
This is a comprehensive PR so it would be hard to undo once merged.
I think this pull request is very great! want to consult when the conflict can be resolved and merged into the main branch? thank you.
@gavinju My apologies for the late reply. Other priorities kept me from responding earlier.
Unfortunately, somewhere between then and now this PR became in conflict with the main branch. Rework is needed.
If you're still interested, please contact me directly via email.
Met vriendelijke groet,