Weijie Kong
Weijie Kong
Hi Dear friend, I am training with i3d on my personal dataset with `--validation` flag. If i want to performs evaluation every 2 or 3 epochs during the training, where...
Hi there: Can OFA perform fast retrieval task as dual-stream-like models? Since I want to get embedding for the image or text, and use the saved embedding for fast retrieval...
Dear author: What is your best random seed in the THUMOS 14 and ActivityNet? Thanks!
Dear friend Which github repo do you use to extract the img and flow for a video? Do you use tsn github repo to extract the img and flow as...
Dear limin Thanks for your great job. I have a questions about the test_score.mat when running the thumos_detection.m. What 's exact shape of flow(rgb)_test_score and flow(rgb)_test_attention?
Hi Awesome work! Can you share the UntrimmedNet feature for THUMOS 14 and THUMOS 14 reduced
Dear author: Thanks for your great work and code. My env is Ubuntu 16.04+CUDA-8+cudnn-5. When I ran the demo_LocNet_object_detection_pipeline.m, the matlab was crushed and the log is shown as follows....
Hello, there Great work firstly. I am wondering when you train the videocrafter1 text2video model, did you train the spatial and temporal layer together, or tune the temporal layer and...