Jacky720 is quite out of date, could you try on or the latest bleeding edge?
The current bleeding edge and the current game demo just gives the YYC warning and otherwise seems to load fine.
Hmm. Usually, importing a sprite of a different size would result in it squishing back into the original size and becoming a blurry mess in the process. Here, it just...
Sorry, I didn't realize GitHub used angle brackets that way. I've edited my comment to be readable. You should run the script *in* the tool, using the "Scripts" button. Don't...
Does that mean this issue can be closed?
Have the listed scripts been fixed? It seems like c_sprite has, at least.
c_specialsprite uses a custom index, not a resolvable asset value, and I don't see any c_instance functions. Of the remaining functions, only c_visible doesn't currently resolve (and a 0 or...
Can this be reproduced on the current bleeding edge?
Possibly related to #1195? Is this issue still present, or a particular quirk of Pizza Tower, or has any other useful information appeared since this was first posted? Not trying...