Jakub Kuczys

Results 160 comments of Jakub Kuczys

> How does ShareX handle the settings, like line width, color picking and stuff like that? Through popups: ![Screenshot (7)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6032823/179232519-83b5a3a9-5c0a-4aed-909c-c5569fd0e5ce.png) ![Screenshot (8)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6032823/179232525-bef919ac-aae8-4f5d-97c1-625e510f0491.png) ![Screenshot (9)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6032823/179232528-034dad90-4952-46a2-84c6-2b9f26061cfb.png) > And how would you handle...

> However, it's still weird that there was a change in behaviour in a backwards incompatible manner in a minor version release -- which was not noted in the changelog...

I'm looking at it but the line you link to in 2.0.2 is the implementation for Windows, not macOS. Here's the correct place and it uses `~/Library/Preferences` same as 2.1.0:...

That comment was about adding missing changelog entry which actually is not missing. Sooo, are PRs documenting the version guarantees also welcome? Especially the part that the specific location that...

The changelog entry is already there: ![Screenshot_20220325-061058_Chrome.jpg](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6032823/160058523-1083bc9a-5521-43d9-bda8-ce7792f0c93d.jpg) What would yoy want to be added into documentation in addition to what's already there?

@tupui the workaround for this is fairly easy, you just need to set `sync-labels` to an empty string: ```yaml sync-labels: "" ``` Obviously, this should be fixed but no need...

Baron fails for all dicts that have dict unpacking in them: ```py x = { "abc": "def" } y = { "fed": "cba", **x } ``` This is a new...

I suggest also mentioning that one should use "Cell -> All Output -> Clear" option before committing (or [setting up a pre save hook](https://jupyter-notebook.readthedocs.io/en/stable/extending/savehooks.html#examples)): ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6032823/178157556-5dc82f24-b336-4295-b7a5-95db3769f94f.png)

Alright, I'll try doing that today then. About the failing checks, they are not related to this PR, seems like running CI on `main` *now* fails: https://github.com/jack1142/Fixit/actions/runs/2324313329

Took me 2 months to get to this but the documentation is now committed :)