
Results 14 comments of Jack

Good catch. Can't believe I didn't check that makefile. The -O2 I added gets appended after -Os in libopencm3.rules.mk From the GCC manpage: > If you use multiple -O options,...

Small form factor powered from USB-C PD. I went with USB-C as all of my devices are slowly going that way; Laptop charger, phone, soldering iron (TS80 love it), and...

Good catch, I had it plugged into my computer for the photo. Thanks!

You will need to run the calibration script. The main commands you will need are: ``` dpsctl.py -C dpsctl.py -cr ``` Pull request #120 was useful to me If you...

Curious what the calibration report `-cr` will show. I expect it might be corrupt. Could you dump that for me? Can you do a `--calibration_reset` and see if that brings...

Interesting how ``` V_ADC_K = 0.0 V_ADC_C = 0.0 V_DAC_K = inf V_DAC_C = nan ``` got written to the device. Those calibration plots might actually be helpful in this...

I found that I ended up tweaking the values manually to get those perfect 0,0 intersection. See my comment https://github.com/kanflo/opendps/issues/130#issuecomment-527873355 And #158 ``` IOUT_ADC = 70 A_ADC_K = 1.51646900177 A_ADC_C...

Potentially [kneed](https://github.com/arvkevi/kneed) could be used to find the knee/elbow for each calibration plot, not sure how robust it is. I guess it also depends if you want to add another...

I agree with all of your points. I enjoy working with PlatformIO and it would make life significantly easier for anyone wanting to work on the esp code. It also...

Can confirm I see this too on a Nucleo-H743ZI2. Identical behavior.