Hey [josefaidt](https://github.com/josefaidt), i saw that but its not a function that i created like this issue(12076), its the function tokenizer. that amplify generated.
i have this with amplify push: functiontokenizer AWS::CloudFormation::Stack UPDATE_FAILED The following resources failed to deploy: Resource Name: functiontokenizer (AWS::CloudFormation::Stack) Event Type: update Reason: Template format error: The Value field of...
There was a error with the sending diagnose: **amplify diagnose --send-report** ✅ Report saved: /var/folders/tx/0bp****************/T/mvl/report-1711120840727.zip ⠙ Sending zip DiagnoseReportUploadError ✖ Sending zip
OK, i sent it.
Hey @ykethan, sorry for the delay. i dont understand the invoking an update on the function. there are a command for update the function tokenizer ?
Ah ok, but when i did 'amplify status', the function tokenizer is already 'update'. So i try to change a package ? and i dont knwo why sometimes this function...
I encountered this error some months ago, but I recreated a new environment with Amplify. However, I'm unable to do it again now because the database is very large.
"Hey @ykethan, I keep encountering the same error whenever I update the package.json for the 'tokenizer' function. If I decide to remove the function, should I run 'amplify push' afterward,...