As I heard, pygatt is unable to process several instances of one characteristic marked with the different handles. Probable, this is the reason.
Наверное, это потому, что почти год назад Лостфилм полностью переделал весь сайт.
Ksantor, I made those changes, which are fixing underscores, but logs still have showed above errors. There is something wrong with browse_episodes subprogram. As I was able to understand, it...
Underscores were fixed by myself in a stupid easy manner, previously, I just changed faulty episodes IDs to the 191 ID in the scraper.py file. Just added two strings of...
Yes... I Lost my Films...
That would be perfect :)))! Unfortunately, I know a little about web programming. Better to say know nothing. So I can't help. P.S. January 2017 anteo has no activity yet...
It's a bunch of work to rebuild all in an addon... Nobody knows this plugin as its creator. I guess, if Anteo will not take part in this work, no...
It is my style of work ;) This addon is splitted aparts pretty well. The only way to debug everything - is to see the logs. Annoying. I am a,...
:)))) вай нот? Кому-то может оказаться интересной информация по этому аддону, но он может не знать русского. А может смотрит знакомые сериалы на русском, чтобы его изучить? Я просто забыл...
Dear guys! Look, what I found on the XBMC.RU forum. It is a temporary solution. http://xbmc.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=12469&highlight=lostfilm&page=18 eczo Junior Member Регистрация: 05.02.2017 Сообщений: 1 По умолчанию Всем привет Нашел временное решение:...