Leon Friedmann
Leon Friedmann
This looks like leaflet is unable to load the map... Do you use a custom map layer/url? @MatinF
Sounds odd - maybe one of the new packages blocks/restricts network traffic and therefore the map can't be loaded. Could you try this with the default map layer? `L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.osm.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png').addTo(self.map)` If...
This seems strange - The only reason I can think of, might be that with the version bump of PySide 6, they introducded a network restriction for components. During a...
@psa95 What do you mean by using folium instead of pyqtlet ?
Hi @EasyIsrael, thanks for reaching out. First of, I never tried using PyQt5 in a Jupyter notebook. Indeed your code seems not to work. I tested the demo script which...
Thanks for the explenation - makes sense to use a jupyter notebook for this! I've seen the issues in the origignal project which relate to the multi map issue. In...
Now I got the issue and I'm able to reproduce it - sorry that this took so long. I checked the `map.remove();` call. You can go ahead and add this...
Seems to be interesting! I did not went this deep into the code at this specific part. Did you look into this further or not?
**Creating new js objects** > If you add a new marker to the map. pyqtlet2 will create a new javascript object. Due to [constraints](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qwebchannel.html#registerObject) > of QWebChannel(), all objects which...
Hey @alexhuangdz Did you already experiment with this, or have a version?