Results 9 issues of JXQI

len(data_set)=80, np.take() spent time about 2.0s len(data_set)=320,np.take() spent time about 230s this why? can you help me ?

**Review:** - 安装python+pycharm+opencv环境 - 学习opencv的函数库 **next:** - 学习图像分割的方法 - 完成药物识别

I run test.py to show the result,finding the result is bad. python tools/test.py configs2/TinyPreson/base/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_TinyPerson640.py ./work_dirs/...../lastest.pth --show

I try review the the performance of the model trained on AI-TOD-v2 train set and validated on the AI-TOD-v2 val set. Then, I do this. python tools/train.py ./configs_nwdrka/nwd_rka/aitodv2train_faster_r50_nwdrka_1x.py occur the...

thanks for your good work! can you provide the image-level labels about the 700 images to detect ?

when I run this code: ` lobe_labe_map = snp.from_array(lobe_labe_map) lesion_mask = snp.from_array(lesion_mask) pixel_array = snp.from_array(pixel_array) spacing = snp.from_array(spacing) with Pool(5) as p: func = partial(map_function, lobe_labe_map, pixel_array, spacing, is_pnmonia_flag) res...

How to refine the annotations generated by SAM within Label-Studio ?