> Try to use `rg_remove_items_by_slot` i want to save flash smoke
> [This](https://github.com/s1lentq/ReGameDLL_CS/pull/699) fixes it, but devs did not get it, & the PR became too loud now, it emits "snore" sounds! > @JUNESYNGOTOFLEX: Set second parameter (removeAmmo) of "rg_remove_item" to...
> "rg_remove_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade", true)" ? > Are you sure? Because it should fix the pick up & avoid the "You already have that item" when trying to buy. my bad,...
> when i add the map_manager_gui plugin, the server won`t even start, everything works fine with the mapa manager main plugins and main addons, i just add and nothing on...