Jacob Sylvia
Jacob Sylvia
> Has anyone come up with a solution for this that doesn't require selenium. This has been confirmed to still be an issue as of today. Followingggggg... Freaking Comcast.
Funny you mention the Blu-Ray issue... I thought something was wrong... I'm ripping The Expendables 2 currently and it apparently has at least 60+ tracks... I didn't know this was...
I'm also curious if there's any movement on this. Every Saturday I get about 2-dozen emails for all the updates that have happened. It would be really nice if this...
Phew! I thought I was doing something wrong. Glad it's an actual bug! Other than this, Homarr is AWESOME!
> I accomplished this via a work around for anyone that cares. On unraid, I'm able to easily access the app data, so I put my custom favicon icons (favicon.png,...
> I'm wondering how to reproduce that specific issue you are having. Ideally a sync button shouldn't be necessary and so I want to see where I can make an...
I'm on linux and I've tried screen, putty, and minicom.
This is excellent! Is the new firmware available?
I wish I knew ANYTHING about Delphi. Unfortunately, my Plex box is "headless" and there is no GUI installed, and I'm pretty sure if I wanted to install wine to...
I am SUPER interested on how this turns out. Between you two, you have created something AMAZING for the community.