Justin Scott
Justin Scott
Every time we check installed Xcode versions we use the Spotlight system (`mdfind "kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier == 'com.apple.dt.Xcode'"`). This creates a dependency (#36), blackbox problems (#203), and fragility (#128). I ran into...
I've tested this with Oculus Rift+Touch and it works. I should probably change the name to make that obvious. Marketing is important! Or so I hear.
What happens if you disable a `ViveGrip_Interactable` or `ViveGrip_Grabbable` component? Do they stop sending messages? Or maybe merely stop doing the default behaviour? Or maybe we just leave it entirely...
Sometimes you have multiple handles or need to flip things around depending on the hand. Anchors already pair with orientation configuration so why not have a proper `ViveGrip_Anchor` script on...
Right now I use "Grip Sphere" because it's easy and performant. However, some users might want the option of using a custom mesh because it's going to be a lot...
Highlighting is easy to enable or disable because it's on the object that will likely toggle it. Grabbing isn't so easy because it's on the Grip Point and the only...
Similarly to [Vive Grip](https://github.com/JScott/vivegrip), users have a need to trigger events outside of the normal scope of what kicks them off. For example, an external bluetooth device firing off the...
Sometimes after I pull a device out of a Cardboard v1 enclosure, the ambient magnetometer magnitude stays at its peak for a while before dropping, seemingly arbitrarily. The ratio doesn't...
https://blog.bitbucket.org/2015/06/24/the-new-bitbucket-webhooks/ Bitbucket changed everything about how they do webhooks. The payload parser for that needs an update I suppose.
``` commands: - git-sync [email protected]:JScott/robot_sweatshop.git - rake test ``` This is a thing that takes a long time and will fail a lot (because Robot Sweatshop is already running!). I...