Thanks for the prompt reply! I've tried with both versions and it produces the same results! :( 6.0 nightly / With default options:  6.0 nightly / With HIDGuard...
I've managed to control Yuzu with the control as Keyboard/Mouse combo, not ideal, but works. No rumble, no analog sticks nor gyroscope. Any ideas on how I can proceed further?...
I wasn't able to advance any further with this. I guess is up to @Davidobot if he wants to dig further into this. I'm sure he's probably busy with other...
@Davidobot Sorry to bother you again. Is there any new options or betas that I could try? Thanks
Hi @Davidobot, just checking in to say that I've tried with **Version 6.4β** with **ViGEmBus drivers 1.17.333** and I get the same results. I'm trying in the different computer now,...
### Alright first test drive with the butterfly went OK:  _(don't mind the circles, they were the very first try)_ Took really loooong time (about an hour) because the...
What is very important is to make sure there's **no extruder movement**. In my tests I took out the filament just to be on the safe side, as moving the...
I'm having the same problem on an Ender 3 v2. I have to manually increase by 0.20 the Z Offset for every new layer to prevent crashing over printer parts....
> > > how do you increase the z offest ? you replace the gcode lines by hand or you have a script? In the Tune menu, whilst the printer...
> Good to hear :) Unfortunately, this does not help in my case, as it is a different problem. I have the IP set to the one of my HA...