I think AntiDupl is almost the perfect tool for image duplicates; let me say that it's the best, but still not perfect for me. It lacks one single feature that...
In Full Batch Mode, after you load an xml file, or add some stuff manually, and hit the button 'Clear All', the grid with all the data changes layout. This...
In Full Batch Mode and while downloading, if DD receives an HTTP error 403 (forbidden) from the server, it doesn't download the file, but it doesn't add it to the...
Although a value is set on 'Batch Delay (ms)' on the settings tab, it's not used for queries like the ones used when updating tags.xml. Currently this causes HTTP error...
A very recent update in Danbooru removed the Legacy API which DanbooruDownloader is using right now. This makes DD unable to download from Danbooru (sad irony). Other providers work, tested...