> 如果你直接改用selenium(没有selenium 线),你还会遇到同样的问题吗? This will not happen when using selenium directly, but because the website I want to visit must use a dynamic proxy, I use selenium wire to configure...
> 我不知道为什么硒线会导致这种情况发生,尽管它_可能_是请求捕获引入的延迟的间接结果。 > > `div`在您尝试向其发送数据时,该元素似乎尚未准备好。您是否尝试过显式等待元素可见? > > ```python > 来自 硒。网络驱动程序。常见的。由 进口 到 > 来自 硒。网络驱动程序。支持。ui 从selenium导入 WebDriverWait > 。网络驱动程序。支持导入expected_conditions作为EC div = WebDriverWait ( driver , 20 )。直到( > EC。visibility_of_element_located((通过。XPATH,...
When I use display wait, it does find the element I want to find, but when I send data, it mostly fails and rarely succeeds