Hello, I have a 7" resistive touch screen and the default settings are not correct, I have been able to modify the "advancedsettings.xml" file for the screen surface, but I...
Hello, I use your library for Digoo R8H and R8S probes with a Lolin ESP8266 (Chinese) If I use your library for a test, no problem, but if I use...
Hello, Thank you very much for the answer, even if it does not help me. Thank you also for your sharing, if you have a track, thank you for telling...
Hello, Overall the same mistake : "ISR not in IRAM" Thank you for this information, I will try, otherwise I have a plan B by deporting on another ESP8266 the...
I bring you the result of my tests: It does not work, with or without ICACHE_RAM_ATTR by setting up version 2.5.0 of ESP8266. My Arduino IDE is 1.8.9 maybe it...
Connexion failed: PC: 0x400e3350 EXCVADDR: 0x00000000 Decoding stack results 0x400e334d: delay at C:\Users\jlnap\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\2.0.4\cores\esp32\esp32-hal-misc.c line 178