Lance Hasson

Results 14 comments of Lance Hasson

FWIW you can filter which routes are included in the OpenAPI schema using the `include_in_schema` parameter on the route definition: ```python @app.get("/", include_in_schema=False) async def root(): return {"hello": "world"} ```

I also think this would be a great use case to add for `xsv`. I had similar data and did the following to work around: ``` xsv select col_name file.csv...

Hey @romain-intel, I've done what you requested and it reproduced: ``` In [3]: with NamedTemporaryFile( ...: mode="w", dir="/data/metaflow/.metaflow//1660004034181864/_meta", delete=False ...: ) as f: ...: f.write("test") ``` Results in: ``` ls...

FWIW here's the same using `touch`: ``` $ touch /data/metaflow/.metaflow//1660004034181864/_meta/test_touch $ ls -la /data/metaflow/.metaflow//1660004034181864/_meta/test_touch -rw-rw-r--+ 1 user group 0 Aug 14 18:24 /data/metaflow/.metaflow//1660004034181864/_meta/test_touch ```

To add a bit more flavor, the error is: ``` File /.../venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sqlmodel/, in SQLModel._calculate_keys(self, include, exclude, exclude_unset, update) 635 keys = self.__fields__.keys() # | self.__sqlmodel_relationships__.keys() 637 if include is not...

One thing I don't understand here is how FastAPI instantiates SQLModel objects from the JSON request object. I think there must be support for what I want to achieve, it's...

Same issue here, pinning to 1.4.35 resolved

> `training_status: TrainingStatus = Field(sa_column=Column(Enum(TrainingStatus)))` > > Just make sure that if you're using Alembic migration autogeneration and you require values to be stored as `Enum` in the database and...

Your code looks correct except I don't believe you need the `"branch_id"` parameter in Column. Also ensure that the branch table has a parameter just named `id`? In general it's...

Thanks for the reply. Did you try the `` script I put under the "How to reproduce it" section? It should create a `app/` that reproduces (at least on my...