Justin Headley

Results 87 comments of Justin Headley

Apologies, I've been swamped and haven't been able to visit issues in a while. I believe this is due to an update in rest-hapi moving to hapi v18: https://github.com/hapijs/hapi/issues/3871#issue-377743660 See...

A quick update here. The issue seems to step from rest-hapi >1.8 updating to hapi 18 while appy is still using other hapi libraries that depend on hapi 17. A...

@kaisbe Thanks for your PR! I like the changes, however could you tell me what is requiring node >=12.x ? I tried a fresh install with your changes using node...

@nosizejosh I'm not able to replicate this currently. It looks like this is due to security updates in the browser. Please see this SO issue and let me know if...

@nosizejosh I'll look into this but it will be hard to debug if I can't reproduce. I'll let you know if I make any progress. In the meantime any details...

@nosizejosh Thanks for the info. Yes you can run the backend alone either by [using node directly](https://github.com/JKHeadley/appy#running-appy) or by commenting out the web/frontend portion of [docker-compose.yml](https://github.com/JKHeadley/appy/blob/master/docker-compose.yml). Unfortunately most of the...

@nosizejosh would you mind testing this module to see if it works for you (with the original script command)?

@nosizejosh sorry, forgot to link it: https://github.com/laggingreflex/win-node-env

@donblackowiak I'm not sure if I understand the question. The `visitor` endpoint is just to record information about visitors to the site. If you would like to upload images, you...

@aburbanol hmm, I'm not familiar with this issue. Have you tried: ``` sudo yarn global add geckodriver ``` ?