On https://docs.apify.com/sdk/js/reference/class/KeyValueStore#open I am noticing that for example for `KV.open` method there is mentioned interface `StorageManagerOptions` but there is not further link or information about what attributes it supports.
### Feature In the past there was added "feature on Apify Platfrom" which allowed to put headers to the Request when adding Webhook integration to the Actor. But this was...
Based on [example in documentation](https://developers.apify.com/academy/puppeteer-playwright/page/interacting-with-a-page) ([code](https://github.com/apify/apify-docs/blob/bf6cec3eacb8644c06207d4176da88e29c676ccf/content/academy/puppeteer_playwright/page.md?plain=1#L61)). Since there is not specified `locale` value for English in example's code, Playwright will set HTTP request header `accept-language` based on OS localization by...