In this case lein-kibit check prints out few findings from Clojure scripts and exits with value 1. Problem is that non-zero exit values are interpreted in Maven as a plugin...
Clojure scripts are just one part of a larger system in where Maven is used as a build tool. Maven is used also to run static analysis for all source...
I found a solution to "The 'ng' is not a ng file." problem. You have to have ng set in your $PATH before starting Eclipse IDE. After that you should...
PATH="$PATH:/usr/lib/node_modules//bin" --> PATH="$PATH:/usr/lib/node_modules/@angular/cli/bin" Sorry for that typo in example PATH setting
ah.. special character which is parsed away from text.. well anyways.. set Angular path in there.
Angular was installed globally with -g flag (as instructed in Angular web pages). It was globally usable since ng commands could be run from any folder location but $PATH settings...