Jie-Han Chen

Results 7 issues of Jie-Han Chen

在[單選按鈕](https://github.com/astaxie/build-web-application-with-golang/blob/master/zh/04.2.md#单选按钮)的部分,由於 gtpl (or html) 是這樣寫: `男` 其對應的 slice 是不是應該改成: `slice := []string{"1", "2"}` 因為會出現這樣的錯誤訊息: > invalid operation: v == req.Form.Get("gender") (mismatched types int and string)

在 3.4 的最後面寫道: “ 8 调用handler的ServeHttp 9 在这个例子中,下面就进入到DefaultServeMux.ServeHttp 11 选择handler: A 判断是否有路由能满足这个request(循环遍历ServerMux的muxEntry) B 如果有路由满足,调用这个路由handler的ServeHttp C 如果没有路由满足,调用NotFoundHandler的ServeHttp ” 請問這裡的 ServeHttp 是不是應該為 ServeHTTP 呢? 還是我在認知上發生錯誤? 謝謝

In worker.py, we need to sample experience by using local model and then backpropagate the gradients of total loss. The total loss is composed of loss_of_actor, loss_of_critic and entropy. In...

Environment: - BWAPI: 4.1.2 - Torchcraft 1.0.2 I use SingleBattleEnv as my environment, and hard code `env._reset()` when it reach max_steps. like: ``` if steps > max_steps: env._reset() ``` But,...

In [`/reinforcement_learning/reinforce.py`](https://github.com/pytorch/examples/blob/master/reinforcement_learning/reinforce.py), line 91: ``` running_reward = running_reward * 0.99 + t * 0.01 ``` The variable `running_reward` seems to used for record average episodic rewards(not actually average, but I...

good first issue

Can you provide `requirements.txt` like this? https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/user_guide/#requirements-files This would help to build environments. Thank you!

help wanted

In the usage section of REAMD.md: > OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 python main.py --env-name "PongDeterministic-v3" --num-processes 16 The flag `num-processes` is not found in main.py, it would fail when we use this command.