Julian Henneberg

Results 29 comments of Julian Henneberg

The author of this extension is not further developing this extension anymore. This is extension is the currently maintained fork (https://github.com/gnikit/fortls) Further more I guess your issue is a bit...

@gnikit : You just need to be quite deep inside the fortran github bubble to find out about it. I updated my small guide (https://github.com/JHenneberg/Guide_VSCode-fortran) with your extension.

@gnikit : Not sure if there is any stanard notation. I did not see this before. * `stdlib` of fortran (https://github.com/fortran-lang/stdlib) is also using no space. At leaset in the...

@gnikit: It seems you are frequently updating fortls on your side. Is there any chance that you are gonna release your own version over python? I guess you tried to...

@gnikit I see. Great I will give your version a try. Overlooked the install instruction probably. Thanks for your effort.

So you mean as an auto complete feature when you are not sure about the routines name? Sounds pretty good for me. For now I am using the VSC symbol...

The functions you mentioned are provided by VCS itself correct and supporting fuzzy search. I thought you were talking about autocompletion while programming. For example you are using a module...

Hey, Can you give a minimal example?

for now I can confirm I am getting the same error so it is not your specific machine. I would guess it is a problem with the precompiler includes which...