
Results 13 comments of maurice

非实时渲染是否可以考虑对selft.updateCanvas() 做节流处理,这样子是否就可以不依赖于外部page 的image 标签? 而且通过 `````` 这种方式来操作节点,貌似也有很大的性能问题。我之前有个案例做拖拽的,就试过再touchmove 中操作style 的top,left,真的很卡。 做个trace 对比如何?

maybe adding comments in the production code isn't suitable。 [issue](

webpack v4 take parallel process acquiescently

> 同样的问题 主要是因为 node 原生的 ESM 规范并不支持 __esModule 这个约定。解决的方法可以参考这个库 [node-cjs-interop]( ```typescript export function interopImportCJSDefault(d: T): T { return d && (d as DefaultWrapper).__esModule ? (d as DefaultWrapper).default : d; }...

I have checked the document of the fetch in Next.js and MDN, as well as the codebase of openapi-fetch. After reviewing them, I believe that there may be no need...

> Yes. Openapi-fetch uses them as parameters when creating the Request object: > > > > but the request object only uses the properties of it that it knows...

For the workaround, this could be ok as well as the cache mechanism, regardless a little wired. ```typescript const res = await client.GET("/api/v1/space", { fetch: (request: unknown) => { return...