James Wages

Results 12 comments of James Wages

I get a similar error in IE7. Here's my test page: http://visionsecurity.jp/en/test/about.html View the page's Source and you'll see that only "BodyText" has "text-shadow" applied to it. Here's the content...

I was able to see "verified" on my MacOS Sierra 15" 2015 MacBook Pro after a restart. I had previously tried Logout/Login but that did not produce "Verified" in Disk...

Thank you, but when I copied and pasted the following line in the MacOS Sierra Terminal and then hit RETURN, all I got was another $ prompt: ``` JDW$ ioreg...

I assure you, I do have the driver installed and the external drive is mounted. It shows Verified in Disk Utility: https://cl.ly/kWK8/Image%202017-05-18%20at%209.50.55%20AM.png Furthermore, I can launch TechTool Pro and click...

But there is no "output"! When I copy-and-paste the following line into the MacOS Sierra Terminal, I get nothing but a new $ prompt! ``` ioreg -r -w 0 -c...

Wrong again. Here's proof via ETRECHECK: **/System/Library/Extensions** [loaded] org.dungeon.driver.SATSMARTDriver (0.8 - SDK 10.6) [Lookup] But we already knew that even before I ran ETRECHECK because if the driver had no...

I'm now at home. Tried all the aforementioned lines in the Terminal on this Mac too, but the result is the same. When I hit RETURN, I get a new...

Silence usually means either "I'm on vacation" or "I haven't the faintest idea," so I will assume the later. This would appear to be a bug. I am more than...

Be that as it may, it still seems to be OUR responsibility to submit data on external drives that work, if they are not already listed on the Compatibility Chart....

@**llamafilm** I opened the Terminal under MacOS High Sierra and then pasted in your suggested line and hit Return. As was the case before, I see only a new command...