By robust do you mean better? The only task that script does which mine doesn't is the automatic resumption of torrents. My script does more than just stop torrents. In...
> It automatically discovers the scgi connection (and supports unix socket files), Not a big deal. > doesn't depend on new torrents being added constantly to function correctly My box...
All good. I'm new to programming, this is my first project and I only bothered to learn how to do so due to being fed up with rtorrent crashing when...
Nice. The more options, the better.
Is there a way to instruct rtorrent to not download torrents when they are added (force them into a stopped state)... through rtorrent.rc? Or do I need to hook into...
Cheers Chros. I'm aware of that solution for watch directories. Was hoping for a solution for torrents added remotely. I'll see if there's anything that can help in that link....
My current issue is if I use a background execute command which points to a script that will stop the torrent, the torrents files will be added to the download...
method.set_key = event.download.inserted_new,insert_stopped,"d.stop=,$d.hash=" seems to do the trick. Too easy.
Kannibalox can you critique my solution to partition support? Thanks.
@0o120 @klyco if any of you are feeling daring, try my google drive addon and let me know how you find the STRM export performance. https://github.com/JDRIVO/gDrive