line 1 **ALERT!**
I used this as help https://dev.to/sm0ke/flask-deploy-with-apache-on-centos-minimal-setup-2kb7 and I got it up and running on with Apache on Ubuntu VPS at digitalocean. BTW, I had to rename the webhook-bot.py to webhookbot.py...
What do you see in the webserver error log?
3. Margin trade (define margin level) with the order in actions.py, you change the order line to: ` order = exchange.create_order(data['symbol'], data['type'], data['side'], data['amount'], calc_price(data['price']), { 'leverage': data["leverage"] })`
4. Stop loss order This works and also with margin. This is how I used it in "Tradingview alert message: {"type": "stop-loss", "side": "sell", "amount": "100", "symbol": "BCH/EUR", "price": "321",...
Interesting. BTW, I can barely read code (I am not a programmer) but do I understand it correctly, you have moved the stop loss calculation to the bot side? Not...
5. Take profit You can do this right now if you use limit order. This will give you a little kickback on fees too. So, When going short, place limit...
**I'm currently working on a new version that allows for placing a take profit and stop with one alert** Sounds good. I'll be waiting. I'll be more than happy to...
How's the new version looking? :)
Any news about the new version?