Joe Betz
Joe Betz
The `EventWriterT` change is the cause of #234 as well.
@Ericson2314 There's a [commented out test case]( in the RequesterT test suite with a TODO about re-enabling it once this issue has been resolved. The test passes on the #371...
Relocated because I was able to reproduce this using only `reflex`: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE...
@johannesgerer Thanks for helping us track this down! We've got something that should fix it on the way.
@dktr0 What operating system are you using? A binary encoding issue sounds like it could be system-level, though I'm not sure how `makeLenses` could cause it.
I know there have been issues using Template Haskell with ghcjs in the past, but the critical ones should be resolved now, and uses like `makeLenses` should definitely be possible....
Okay, that's starting to clear things up for me. Still have a couple questions though. > 2) listD causes listLengthD _and_ each listItemD to be updated Do the two events...
> When you click remove you're deleting an element off the list immediately but the listItemD corresponding to the last index is also still exists and causes the indexing error....
Got it: `gcc -shared -O2 -DAM_IMPLEMENTATION -xc ameoba.h -o ameoba.dll`
The DLL loads fine, but the example fails with an invalid memory access error in `am_setrelation(c1, AM_EQUAL)`. It seems to be happening inside the call to `am_multiply` since it...