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Bug in `Adjustable` implementation: internal networks of elements end up broken/disconnected
Using the functionality provided by the Adjustable
type class seems crucial for any non-trivial app. Yet, there seems to be an issue, which I was not able to fix and I would appreciate any help.
I have put together the script below which demonstrates the problem.
What the script does
It will render a list with two elements, each showing the current value of a running counter.
There a two buttons, A, which swaps the two elements and B which rerenders the first element.
How to reproduce the bug
Pressing button A then button B, will make the second element stop showing updates to the counter value.
Pressing button B then button A, will make both elements stop showing updates.
The same happens for any use of runWithReplace
, dyn
, widgetHold
and the like within the elements.
The code
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Prelude
import Data.Maybe
import Language.Javascript.JSaddle.Warp (run)
import Reflex.Dom hiding (mainWidget, run, mainWidgetWithHead, Error)
import Reflex.Dom.Core (mainWidget)
import Reflex.Patch.MapWithMove
pshow :: Show a => a -> T.Text
pshow = T.pack . show
main :: IO ()
main = run 8000 $
mainWidget mainW
mainW :: forall t m . MonadWidget t m => m ()
mainW = do
text "counter: "
hb <- holdDyn 0 . fmap _tickInfo_n =<<tickLossyFromPostBuildTime 0.1
dynText $ pshow <$> hb
let swap = fromMaybe (error "invalid patch") $ patchMapWithMove
( M.fromList [( 0 , NodeInfo
{ _nodeInfo_from = From_Move 1
, _nodeInfo_to = Just 1
}) ,
( 1 , NodeInfo
{ _nodeInfo_from = From_Move 0
, _nodeInfo_to = Just 0
break = fromMaybe (error "invalid patch") $ patchMapWithMove
( M.fromList [( 0 , NodeInfo
{ _nodeInfo_from = From_Insert 'z'
, _nodeInfo_to = Nothing
patchE <- el "p" $ do
b1 <- button "A: swap"
b2 <- button "B: update 0th element"
return $ leftmost [swap <$ b1, break <$ b2]
let render k v = do
el "h5" $ text $ pshow (k,v)
dyn $ el "p" . text . pshow <$> hb
mapMapWithAdjustWithMove render (M.fromList $ zip [0..] "ab") patchE
return ()
Relocated because I was able to reproduce this using only reflex
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Control.Concurrent (newChan, readChan)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO, MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.Reader (void)
import Control.Monad (forM, forM_)
import Control.Monad.Fix (fix, MonadFix)
import Control.Monad.Identity (Identity(..))
import Data.Dependent.Sum (DSum ((:=>)))
import Data.IORef (readIORef)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Reflex
import Reflex.Network
import Reflex.Patch.MapWithMove
import Reflex.Host.Class
main :: IO ()
main =
host guest
type App t m =
( Reflex t
, MonadHold t m
, MonadFix m
, MonadIO m
, NotReady t m
, Adjustable t m
, MonadIO (Performable m)
, PostBuild t m
, PerformEvent t m
, TriggerEvent t m
) => m (Behavior t Text)
host :: (forall t m. App t m) -> IO ()
host myGuest = runSpiderHost $ do
(postBuildE, postBuildTriggerRef) <- newEventWithTriggerRef
events <- liftIO newChan
(textB, FireCommand fire) <-
hostPerformEventT $
flip runPostBuildT postBuildE $
flip runTriggerEventT events $
let update = sample textB >>= liftIO . putStrLn . T.unpack
mPostBuildTrigger <- liftIO $ readIORef postBuildTriggerRef
forM_ mPostBuildTrigger $ \postBuildTrigger ->
fire [postBuildTrigger :=> Identity ()] $ return ()
void $ fix $ \loop -> do
ers <- liftIO $ readChan events
void $ fireEventTriggerRefs fire ers
:: (Monad (ReadPhase m), MonadIO m)
=> ([DSum (EventTrigger t) Identity] -> ReadPhase m Bool -> m [a])
-> [DSum (EventTriggerRef t) TriggerInvocation]
-> m ()
fireEventTriggerRefs fire ers = do
mes <- liftIO $
forM ers $ \(EventTriggerRef er :=> TriggerInvocation a _) -> do
me <- readIORef er
return $ fmap (\e -> e :=> Identity a) me
_ <- fire (catMaybes mes) $ return False
liftIO $ forM_ ers $ \(_ :=> TriggerInvocation _ cb) -> cb
guest :: forall t m. App t m
guest = do
(_, textB) <- runBehaviorWriterT $ mdo
ticker <- holdDyn 0 . fmap _tickInfo_n =<< tickLossyFromPostBuildTime 0.4
_ <- mapMapWithAdjustWithMove
(\k v -> networkView ((\t -> display (k, v, t)) <$> ticker))
(Map.fromList $ zip [0..] "ab")
(patchE, patchCB) <- newTriggerEvent
liftIO $ do
patchCB swap
patchCB update0th
return textB
swap, update0th :: PatchMapWithMove Int Char
swap = fromJust $ patchMapWithMove $ Map.fromList
[ (0, NodeInfo (From_Move 1) (Just 1))
, (1, NodeInfo (From_Move 0) (Just 0))
update0th = fromJust $ patchMapWithMove $ Map.fromList
[ (0, NodeInfo (From_Insert 'z') Nothing) ]
display a = tellBehavior $ constant $ T.pack $ show a <> " "
@johannesgerer Thanks for helping us track this down! We've got something that should fix it on the way.