A user in telegram pointed out - Bots have a much smaller limit https://core.telegram.org/bots/faq#:~:text=Bots%20can%20currently%20send%20files,be%20changed%20in%20the%20future -- Thanks I would expect an Message with "File Limit exceeded" or something similar
Any Logs? I expect an unknown device id, which should be easy to add Sent with GitHawk
So a group does work (kinda), but single sidekicks not? And then you also can't switch modes?
I assume same as @DrmeddieWiese got, but with other names and ip? > Failed to add device [] dream_backleft. Try setting a 'timeout' in the device config. 21:17 custom_components/dreamscreen/init.py (WARNING)
Could you add the [Logger Component](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/logger/) directly into your `configuration.yaml` and paste the logs? ``` logger: default: critical logs: # log level for HA core just to get only erros...
I don't understand what you want to say. Is it possible to use a sidekick standalone with the Dreamscreen app? If yes we should be able to do this as...
Ja ich verstehe das, allerdings sollten wir trotzdem weiter englisch nutzen, weil Gregory das hier sonst nicht versteht, und ggf hat der Die Lösung, der hat ja den Großteil hier...
Can't help you. I guess only private resellers.
I'm always open to more supporters. I'm not a python dev and its sometimes a bit hard to understand, so any help is appreciated. before considering adding this as a...
I added a hacs.json. Users now can add Dreamscreen via hacs custom repos. I will target the default repo, but I want to read everything before applying there. For now...