This can be seen in the level _Don't Let the Dogs Out_. After removing the bricks to release the eyebot, the eyebot rises and tries to change direction too early,...
Operating System: Windows 64-bit Release: OpenGFX2 v0.4 Issue: The transition from dark to light on the sides of railroad tracks is inconsistent from tile to tile depending on the sprite....
### Operating System Windows 10, 64-bit ### OpenRCT2 build OpenRCT2, v0.4.15 (af7a2de72c on develop) provided by GitHub ### Base game RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 ### Area(s) with this issue? The bug...
### Operating System Windows 10, 64-bit ### OpenRCT2 build OpenRCT2, v0.4.15 (484732d735 on develop) provided by GitHub ### Base game RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 ### Area(s) with this issue? The bug...