Results 263 comments of J-N-K

Can you provide a complete set of items/things/rules that shows this issue? Preferably one that does not rely on external hardware (http binding, astro binding are fine).

is this still the case with latest openHAB? We are currently using nrjavaserial 5.2.1.OH1.

Are the items that are not persisted direct members of the group or members of a group that is a member of the persisted group or are they groups itself?...

There is no way for the script engine to determine what the rules does and so it can't clean up on script disposal. If #2887 is merged, you should be...

Then it's a duplicate of #2228 (when scriptLoaded is added, also scriptUnloaded should be added).

@lolodomo Is this still the case? There have been lots of improvements since 2019 to both, the script file handling and the watch service in general.

This has been reported again in #3006, so it's still present.

``` var ThingUID = Java.type("org.openhab.core.thing.ThingUID"); var thing = things.get(new ThingUID('http:url:625adb1b4b')); var firmwareVersion = thing.getProperties().get('firmwareVersion'); ``` Isn't this what you want/need?