Results 263 comments of J-N-K

Yes. We should probably not store `StateDescriptionFragment` but a new `StateDescriptionFragmentEntity` instead.

@ZzetT While this is easy code-wise (just need to add `.withNotification(true|false)` to `sendMessage`, the questin is how to integrate that into the actions. It would be easy if we make...

Done. However, to work a regression core needs to be fixed: https://github.com/openhab/openhab-core/pull/3322

The problem with selecting the correct editor mode automatically is that especially for `SCRIPT` nearly all of them apply, depending on your preferred scripting language. Maybe the selection can be...

What would be a good endpoint for that? We could probably handle it under `/transformations/services` because `services` is not a valid UID, so we would not have collisions. Would ```...

That‘s the difficult part. Currently we only add a property for the transformation „id“, but that is not linked in any way to the add-on. We can probably add more...

@florian-h05 I'm also fine with you taking over here. I'm not very good when it comes to frontend, it always takes me hours to figure out how to do something...

``` { "uid": "config:script:3adf5789e", "label": "My First Script Transformation", "type": "script", "configuration": { "function": "(function(data) {\n var returnValue = \"String has \" + data.length + \" characters\"\n return returnValue\n})(input)\n" }...

Here? Just to select which editor is used, so syntax-highlighting works. This works for all transformations, not just scripts (e.g. for value-pairs like MAP and SCALE). Edit: My fault. `language`...

Jetty 10 will be part of Karaf 4.5, which will be released soon.