Iván Sánchez Ortega

Results 75 issues of Iván Sánchez Ortega

From a conversation with @mourner: > Is the 🍂really mandatory or can we just get rid of it in Leafdoc and do some simple heuristics to determine if a comment...

Right now miniclasses break the graphviz output (they are echoed as full node definitions, while being inside another node's HTML label).

There is this cool CSS trick: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/position#Sticky_positioning It would be very nice to have that in the namespace/section/subsection headers, in order to never lose track of context.

In order to save room, inheritances should be able to be lazily copied within the DOM via JS whenever the user expands them. This might not be the preferred solution...

The code for mouse and pointer events should track the current event target and fire `mouseover`/`mouseout`/`pointerover`/`pointerout` events accordingly, including the `target` and `relatedTarget` properties.

It is possible to move fingers outside of the document - either by moving them too far away, or moving them to a negative coordinate. This causes [document.elementFromPoint](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/elementFromPoint) to return...

For some test webpages, it is desirable to change between timing modes when running the same gesture over and over again. Abstract away the timing init code, and call it...

When shifting a canvas around, it gets clear pixels. There should be a way to keep canvases from upper levels, and copy the corresponding pixels from there. That should get...


The examples linked from the readme (e.g. https://raw.githack.com/maplibre/maplibre-gl-leaflet/main/examples/basic.html ) all fail to load. I can see the following error message in my browser's console: ``` Error: AJAXError: Forbidden (403): https://api.maptiler.com/maps/topo/style.json?key=[snip]...

The `master` branch in Leaflet now uses a ES6 module structure, changing a **lot** of the internal calls to e.g. `L.DomEvent.*` → `DomEvent.*`. Code for the rotate functionality should be...