Iván Sánchez Ortega

Results 75 issues of Iván Sánchez Ortega

The past few days I've had a few looks at the APIs of other libraries (mapbox-gl, openlayers), looking at all that separation between model (geometries) and views (styling/symbolizers), and I've...

needs discussion

It has been suggested that Leaflet registers for a DOI (persistent Digital Object Identifier) to make academic citations of Leaflet resilient (and indexed in some academic tools, and copies stored...


The [tutorials](http://leafletjs.com/examples.html) page needs some love. Leaflet has a lot of features, but there are tutorials for just a bunch of them. We should spend some time converting some of...

help wanted

Fixes part of #8086. This changes the documentation build mechanism, so it runs three times: one for the API documentation, as now, and twice to produce two UML diagrams: one...


When trying to run from source, I'm hit with the following error message: ``` $ js index.js /home/ivan/tilemill/node_modules/bones/node_modules/jquery/node-jquery.js:5 window = window || require('jsdom').jsdom().createWindow(); ^ TypeError: Object [ null ] has...

Small bug in the text editor for mss files. Place your cursor (I'll fake it here with a `|` character) behind the colon in a style declaration, like so: ```...

Apparently it's possible to have canvas renderers inside a web worker thread, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1864756/web-workers-and-canvas It would be nice to see if this could be applied to Leaflet's canvas renderers, as...

As @jkuebart [pointed out](https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.VectorGrid/pull/69#issuecomment-279143938): > It's interesting to note that by using `maxNativeZoom` as implemented by `GridLayer`, vector tiles will not be re-rendered at higher zoom levels. Consequently, the stroke...

Prompted by https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44707862/how-to-add-geojson-points-as-a-vector-tile-in-leaflet I tried to load a GeoJSON file containing only points (the one referenced in the SO question) like so: ```js fetch('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/evantdailey/map_testing/master/site1.geo.json').then(function(response){ return response.json(); }).then(function(json){ var points =...