Iván Sánchez Ortega

Results 151 comments of Iván Sánchez Ortega

I'm not 100% sure, but maybe we can refactor `pxPerExtent` away? It looks like it should become a property of each tile (i.e. of each tiled renderer), maybe it stays...

@egemon Yes, there's somebody here. What's not here is spare time to work on this.

@jkuebart I don't see that listed in https://leafletjs.com/plugins#vector-tiles - Could you consider adding it to the plugins list?

It would be interesting to try on some of the https://openmaptiles.org/downloads/#city extracts, as they are small enough for a browser to load. This is a certain possibility. Things to check:...

So if I've understood this correctly, you want to switch from this... [![d21f5b9d](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1125786/23016032/5e2196e6-f435-11e6-8a87-10425bfcbc90.png)](http://yuml.me/d21f5b9d) Into something like... this? [![9118ebb4](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1125786/23016402/aae5348c-f436-11e6-9466-1b68eab21904.png)](http://yuml.me/9118ebb4) I don't quite grasp how this would look in the end. ---...

> `Renderer` adds functionality related to updating the viewport in response to map panning and zooming, which is undesirable and needs to be deactivated for tile renderers. So if this...

Yeah, the failure is only for the mapbox vector tiles, and yes, I exceeded the quota some time ago. This should be a simple matter of changing the mapbox token...

> Would it be possible to cache the features just as the slicer does? No, because protobuf tiles don't have features, they only have already sliced & cropped features. Thus,...

> Calling the protobuf renderers invokes the fetch process again, doesn't it? No, as the tile is an existing instance of `L.Renderer` and has internal references to the geometries drawn...

You'll need to modify the code from `src/Leaflet.VectorGrid.js` and store the renderers themselves somewhere. Right now only their containers are stored as the grid tiles (see core leaflet's `src/layer/tile/GridLayer.js`). Storing...