Iván Sánchez Ortega

Results 151 comments of Iván Sánchez Ortega

I tried to reproduce this at https://github.com/IvanSanchez/brunch-bug-1618 , with ``` var center = require('@turf/center'); ``` but Brunch works as expected.

I spent all day working on #49, gimme a rest! :-)

I'll leave some instructions on #49.

> There's an older note on the VectorGrid issue tracker saying its not a VectorGrid issue its a Leaflet issue. Links, please. Also, can you publish a fiddle/codepen/[plunkr](https://leafletjs.com/edit) that displays...

OK, so then this seems like a problem with CSS scaling. By any change does this happen in different browsers? I wonder if the bug starts appearing when the scaled...

> By the way, did you try by maintaining + or - shortcut key? Can reproduce that way (holding the +/- keys down so `KeyboardHandler` triggers several times on a...

Naïve approaches such as checking for `map._animatingZoom` and reverting the `requestAnimFrame` from https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet/commit/e15097dc1acc9cb80cab72bdbdb7355c77f1a9d0 don't work. :disappointed: :cry:

@jonkoops I'm not sure - debuggers have changed over the last 6 years, and in my experience from the last few months, setters/getters are not *that* bad. I would like...

> What would be logical places to use getters and setters? Map's `getCenter`/`getZoom` and their setters. Read-only `getMaxZoom`/`getBounds`. Marker's `getLatLng`/`getIcon` and setters. Popup content getter/setter. The `setParameters` in `L.TileLayer.WMS`. `setURL`...

Please provide a reproducible example. Right now it's impossible to know what's going on. Does the bug reproduce in other browsers?