Ivan Palm
Ivan Palm
Is there any good news about the integration of `leafem::addLogo` into `tmap`? I've been trying to add one from a url using `leafem::addLogo` and `lefpop::addPopupImages`. Both return errors. `inherits(map, c("leaflet",...
As easy as a breeze. Thank you very much @Nowosad! Now the question is why the R logo I used in the example shows up while the logo I have...
Hi @tim-salabim, thank you for pointing that out. The `*.png` file I mentioned above is actually located in the GitHub project repo, just like the `*.svg` of the R logo...
Hi @tim-salabim I tried that out too, and I've got to same conclusion. Both `*.svg` and `*.png` files are supported. Hi @Nowosad Cannot deny that I stumbled across that a...
FYI: this error occurs in `sf v1.0-7`. The way-around suggested by @dcooley (i.e. using `geojsonsf::geojson_sf`) worked fine. Thanks for the hint and for the great work that you have been...
Similar issue here, I tried that solution without success as @WHBSpeiser. I also tried to map applyHollstein as shown below. An EEException is raised. ``` s2_aoi = (ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_SR')\ .filterDate(start_date_str, end_date_str)\...