
Results 4 issues of IvanLieckens

When using External DI the "allAssemblies" that are scanned according to the common conventions do not include the "includeAssembliesForScan". Does this have a specific design reason?


The Publish verb takes a "trigger" and "targets" parameter just as the ootb TriggerAutoPublishSyncedItems processor. - trigger can be an ID or path - targets is a comma seperated list...

![idisposable warning 1](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/2543421/500330/586c8620-bc71-11e2-9062-7607a1f0a678.png) ![idisposable warning 2](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/2543421/500331/58765fce-bc71-11e2-96d9-579bd42bed0c.png)

I noticed in the GetModel processor that the following occurs: `var item = scContext.Database.GetItem(renderingItem.DataSource);` This works fine with path/guid datasources but when using a query type datasource this doesn't resolve...