Ivan Josipovic

Results 44 comments of Ivan Josipovic

The Cron scalar has now been released in KEDA version 1.5.0

I have documented a new approach for Blazor WASM ASP.NET Hosted Projects in the Readme. This solution will need to be manually implemented for self hosted Blazor, it essentially uses...

If someone can create a Git repo with this issue reproduced, I can have a look at it. There is nothing fancy that my library is doing when it comes...

> I made the following repo: https://github.com/oveldman/ConflictApplicationInsight > > In the main branch I installed the two packages. I made extra two branches. Both branches contains only the package what...

> Does connectionString work now? I can see it has been added to the wiki instead of instrumentationKey > > ``` > cfg: { > **connectionString**:"InstrumentationKey=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000;", > disableFetchTracking: false, >...

I'm closing this issue for now, I have documented how to set the ConnectionString Programmatically for a Blazor WASM ASP.NET Core Hosted project. This solution will need to be manually...

I'd love to see this feature as well.

I have started a library with a IYamlTypeConverter for System.Text.Json here, https://github.com/IvanJosipovic/YamlDotNet.System.Text.Json

Provider Alias has been added to v3.