Ivan Josipovic

Results 44 comments of Ivan Josipovic

I haven't thought much about translations yet, its probably a good time to start. Do you have any suggestions on how you would like to see this implemented?

Columns can't be hidden. I will look to add this in a future release.

Thank you for the suggestion. I will look to add this in the next release.

Thank you for taking the interest in this, your help is much appreciated. I haven't thought much about the documentation apart from what I have so far. I like your...

@conficient, that's exactly what I was thinking. The Table currently converts the Items parameter to a IQueryable, so exposing that interface would be the simplest way forward. This would allow...

I performed a quick PoC with Microsoft.OData.Client in the following [branch](https://github.com/IvanJosipovic/BlazorTable/tree/odata). Blazor Server Side, can load data and sorting appears to work. Blazor Wasm, will need more work. [Example loading](https://github.com/IvanJosipovic/BlazorTable/blob/odata/src/BlazorTable.Sample.Shared/Pages/OData.razor)...

I would also appreciate having .net7 support even though it's in preview. RTM is expected in November, I expect release candidates shortly.

Thanks for the response @Eilon. I see this suggestion being useful in the Windows/macOS targets only and primarily helping with aesthetics. Benefits of embedding: - Easier portability, less fragile -...

This feature is needed and is preventing my company from moving to the AG Ingress Controller. It would also be useful to have this feature working without having to run...

> Hello, > > At this point, what are the alternatives to JWT token validation if the AGIC is still not ready to do this job? I have been exploring...