Marcin Kaptur
Marcin Kaptur
Definitely. Currently I have kind of workaround - I generate this file programmatically, but stil it is the correct file.
Hi. At first you can run script from console. Basically this error message means that there was an exception during loading config file. Mostly it is malformed json, or not...
If I correctly interpret your question: do you want to implement remserial, or rather automatic reconnect to serial port after disconnection? If second, it should work this way - there...
Hi Looks like it is not RF data but rather a message from RFLink board. I'll check it with my software
Actually it works us expected. It never was supposed to be compatible with HA discovery protocol. It just delivers values read from RF Link to MQTT topic and nothing more....
I have the same problem - Roomba 786p, NodeMCU. Commands work, telemetry doesn't. Looks like serial read times out.
Nope, that's the full log. Habapp forgets about this file. What's interesting, when I copy files using scp, everythong works, rsync does it in some not compatible way. Another interesting...
You have everything in the first post, or is there anything more?
Ahh, I see. Unfortunately I have logging level set to WARN for events, and all is sent to Loki - as I mentioned, whole log is in the first post