
Results 7 issues of ItsKruistz

I know that some commands are useful and faster than GUI, but why the need of an terminal and a long command just for copy/paste an file? No wonder why...

It would be nice having the dark trash can icon for dark icons version like in real macOS. ![DflB-wxXUAAmWil](

I think a scrollbar like these images would look better, i see Adapta theme have that then why not for Materia? Screenshot in Chrome browser ![4b76baa9-65d9-488a-bd85-2dee2971dc9f-list1]( There are the screenshot...

Thank you for making this theme, it looks good and it's spot on with Fluent Design (mainly the one in Windows 11) But there is some UI inaccuracies that is...

thanks for making the windows 11 style window switcher for round version as described in #25, but here's a bug when downloading, the progressbar ovelaps the active indicator ![IMG_20220224_155135](