Marco Asbreuk
Marco Asbreuk
Seen in 0.5.0 I've got 2 examples, the only difference is that example 1 sends payload=null to the first receiverMojit, whereas example 2 sends payload={}. The failure arises within receiverMojit...
I wanted this to be a pull-request, but I can only post issues... Can't we use Y.EventTarget instead of the suggested interMojit-communication? The first is such a great infrastructure and...
Hi, I experience quite some problems with mojitProxy.refreshView(). It's hard to specify where exactly, because the projects become quite big and a lot of stuff is new to me. I...
I would like to have the ability to json.parse with a reviver. The current storage-lite doesn't let me. By making this posible (with a third parameter), i am able to...