Done but no changes unfortunately. Only Ctrl+Shift+c works. It's not a big deal but I always lose a couple of seconds using Ctrl+c and then Ctrl+Shift+c because I'm used to...
> I found next: if your terminal emulator consumes the `clipboard-copy` action by `Ctrl+Shift+C` then micro will have `Copy : Ctrl+C`. Otherwise, if your terminal emulator consumes the`clipboard-copy` by `Ctrl+C`...
No. I though it was working, but it's not. The content of my bindings.json: ``` { "Alt-/": "lua:comment.comment", "Alt-a": "lua:snippets.Accept", "Alt-d": "lua:snippets.Cancel", "Alt-s": "lua:snippets.Insert", "Alt-w": "lua:snippets.Next", "CtrlUnderscore": "lua:comment.comment", "Ctrl-c": "Copy",...
@nisargparikh69 I have the exact problem. I push on my git repo without problems via ssh keys so the issue is not there in my case. I actually wrote my...