Svend Haugaard Sørensen

Results 10 comments of Svend Haugaard Sørensen

Ops, an error in coping the examples. The correct ones is. Verify(MapSingle({{node},D({x,y}) node},{9\*x^8,0}),{D({x,y}) 9\*x^8,D({x,y}) 0}); Verify(MapSingle(Lambda({{node},D({x,y}) node}),{9\*x^8,0}),{D({x,y}) 9\*x^8,D({x,y}) 0});

Seem like githubs text rendering remove multiplication signs.

I am basically trying to make a rule that take in a list of variables vl with n elements and a list of expressions el with m elements and then...

Something more like this will be optimal. 10 # derivs(vars_IsList, _expr)\_(Not IsList(expr))

Or in full functional mode. 10 # derivs(_vars, exprs_IsList)

Also, I have been working on a multidimensional Taylor expansion, that I can contribute to the project.

Perfect... Here are some tests, that our new derivs can do, but D can't. Verify([Local(vl);vl :={x,y};derivs(vl, x+c);],derivs({x,y}, x+c)); Verify(MapSingle(Lambda({node},derivs({x,y},node)),{9\*x^8,0}),{derivs({x,y}, 9\*x^8),derivs({x,y},0)}); Verify([Local(vl);vl :={x,y};D(vl) x+c;],D({x,y}) x+c); Verify(MapSingle(Lambda({node},D({x,y}) node),{9\*x^8,0}),{D({x,y}) 9\*x^8,D({x,y}) 0});

Yes, We better integrate it into Deriv(), so everyone can use it.

Starting the daemon on a laptop without network connection, will cause the daemon to close down. Start with network disconnected. ``` # /usr/local/bin/ipfs daemon --mount --enable-gc Initializing daemon... go-ipfs version:...

> Hi, I'd like to contribute getting Danish data in the dataset, and found this PR. Am I understanding correctly that this needs proofreading? If so, do let me know...