Ivan Shmatov
Ivan Shmatov
The same issue, using v6.0.5 on Debian Also, the rest of the text after this long word is not displayed at all ... For example, for "WordWrapWordWrapWordWrapWordWrapWordWrapWordWrapWrapWordWrap 1 2 3...
I have an idea where the problem might be. I analysed method cairo_MeasureCharacterRanges in libgdiplus/src/text-cairo.c This method call MeasureString and use resulting StringDetails from it. But inside MeasureString the input...
How can I use the newer version of libgdiplus ? The only way - to rebuild sources with --with-pango ? Or wait a few months while this will be enabled...
I'm a newbie to Linux and Docker, use Dockerfile: FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/aspnet:3.1 AS base RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y libgdiplus libc6-dev