Ishaan Desai
Ishaan Desai
> Closed by #1598 ? Yes.
@MakisH @uekerman I have tested this tutorial on the Great Lakes cluster of the University of Michigan. I am trying to set up a testing framework at the University of...
> Another alternative is to do the following: > > ``` > pip3 install --no-deps fenicsadapter > ``` Should not be `pip3 install --no-deps fenicsprecice` ? Do we still support...
The participant [micro-nutils]( in the two-scale heat conduction tutorial is also extremely slow compared to other micro simulations of similar kind, and I have a feeling that the numerics there...
Hi @vollmerb firstly it is great that you noticed the difference in restart results for the dynamic mode, and that you already found a fix. From the perspective of the...
Hi @vollmerb, Okay now I understand the situation better. I would then suggest to wait for your changes to be added to the CalculiX repository and then we can correspondingly...
This issue is more for information rather than an issue and hence the *wont fix* label has been applied.
I also tried out the commands stated above by @fsimonis in a clean Ubuntu 22.04 container and the adapter seems to work. The adapter also works if `fenicsprecice` is installed...
I would also agree that option 2 where an arbitrary number of read and write fields are supported is the way to go. Have a dictionary where the keys are...
This is outdated and something I forgot to update before releasing the bindings. I have opened a draft pull request to do this: