Did you try like as it was mentioned in the sample app like the following : ``` EasyImage easyImage = new EasyImage.Builder(this) .setChooserTitle("Pick media") .setCopyImagesToPublicGalleryFolder(false) .setChooserType(ChooserType.CAMERA_AND_GALLERY) .setFolderName("EasyImage sample") .allowMultiple(true) .build();...
> Hi! > > I recently migrated from the version 1.3.1, to the new version 3.0.1 based on kotlin, and I'm experiencing an annoying problem. Previously, in the old version,...
@timsu I'm a beginner in terms of NDK and my question is that if compile the jni source code setting `app_abi = all` in the file I'm getting the...
Hey Jen the issue seems to because of the change in behavior of SpeechRecognizer. The example code wasn't receiving any bytes of audio and so just an empty file was...
This happens because of the privacy change in Android 11. The package visibility in Android 11 has to be explicitly requested. More information can be found in this stackoverflow link...